bomen voorstraat Vs

Trees walking route centre Voorschoten 7.5 km

Voorschoten is rich in green. It has 11,250 trees outside the forest and this route takes you along 50 striking trees in the centre. 

Voorschoten is rich in green. It has many beautiful and sometimes old trees, both in the parks and around the old estates, and in the residential areas and private gardens. Many of these trees are certainly worth a closer look. This is why the Vereniging tot behoud van Oud, Groen en Leefbaar Voorschoten put together a renewed tree route in 2015. This tree route has been updated by the municipality of Voorschoten and takes in 50 striking trees that can be seen on or from the public road. This is only a limited part of the large assortment of trees that Voorschoten is so rich in. In total, there are approximately 11,250 trees in the municipality outside of forests. That is almost as many as there are housing units (11,500).

The tree route has been set out in and around the village centre with the Palestrinalaan and Karel Doormanlaan as its extremities. The total route is 7.5 km and can be covered in two parts. A northern part of 4 km and a southern part of 3.5 km. To make it easier to recognise the trees, all trees described and numbered in this tree route are marked on the pavement with the name of the tree and its number.

The route has been set up as a walking route, but can also be covered by bicycle. At a few places (the Ambachtspad, the Zuster Anna Lambooplantsoen, the Adegeestpark and the De Loozepad) you will have to take your bike by the hand.

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