daphne struint daphne lig

Daphne STRUINT Nature education

Do you enjoy wandering through nature while being surprised by everything that grows and blooms but is also edible? During a wild picking walk, I will teach you what you can and cannot eat. Plant knowledge, recipes and stories are discussed, but of course you will also taste all the goodies around you.


The wild picking walk

During a wild picking walk by Daphne STRUINT, you will learn which plants you can harvest from the wild with respect for nature. You will learn which wild plants grow in abundance in nature and which species are edible, so that you can recognise them yourself, around your corner or in your own garden, and pick them for your own consumption.

For example, did you know that ground elder was once planted by the Romans as a fresh vegetable during their campaigns across Europe? That dogstraw is related to mint and therefore makes a great cup of tea? Yarrow is also known as nosebleed because of its astringent properties. That sorrel tastes delicious with oily fish. Or that plantain is also called white man's footstep and the buds taste like mushrooms?

Company outing in the nature of Leiden and The Hague

Want to go on a wild picking adventure with your own company at a time that suits you? You can! Taste, smell, eat from nature in your own environment. During the wildpicking walk I organise for your family, group of friends, birthday or team outing, you will learn what you can eat from the nature around you. The walks are offered coronaproof.

These nature outings take place in South Holland for example: The Hague, Leiden, Voorschoten or Bollenstreek. The wild picking walk can start from your own home, business location, party or festival location. Or from a location in consultation. I can give you several good suggestions for this.

"Afterwards, people often look at the greenery around them with different eyes."

During the walk, around 15 edible plants will be featured. You can smell, see, feel and taste them. The walk can take 1 hour, 1.5 or 2 hours. We can coordinate this together.In addition, you will learn wild plant facts, I will reveal recipes and tell stories about the history of plants and their culinary and medicinal uses. Along the way, you will collect your own home-picked tea blend.


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