
Bird hide 'de Vogelknip'

Bird hide the Vogelknip on the Starrevaart.

Between highway A13 and Leidschendam is a real bird pond: Starrevaart. Bird noise mixes with car noise. West wind is the best: it blows the car noise inland. But car noise or not, on the bank there is a state-of-the-art bird hide, the Vogelknip. Cycling and walking routes come close to the Vogelknip and there is a walking path that runs around the entire Vogelplas. From this largely steel hut you can enjoy the many birds on the lake, such as many duck species and waders. Black-headed gulls breed on the shell island next to the hut.

Starrevaart is easily accessible from Voorschoten via the bicycle bridge over De Vliet at Kniplaan.


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