
Cultuurfabriek Voorschoten

Culture moves you, stimulates you and inspires you. It ensures personal growth and different perspectives.

Whether your culture is practiced alone or together, it is of great value to everyone. The deepening of culture brings enrichment and that keeps us as a society vital and in balance. That is why we are committed to promoting culture in Voorschoten in every possible way.

The Cultuurfabriek is, as it were, the house in which the culture of Voorschoten is located. We are an independent platform for more than 30 cultural organizations that, together with us, contribute to an active cultural life in the Municipality of Voorschoten. By connecting these cultural providers, we stimulate local initiatives with the aim of providing Voorschoten with a vital, lively, cultural programming.

For this we work together with our members, the Municipality of Voorschoten, the entrepreneurs within the Hart van Voorschoten and social parties in the field of care and welfare. In this way we try to reach all 25,000 inhabitants of Voorschoten. With a view to the Kruispuntkerk on Schoolstraat as a multifunctional accommodation, we hope to continue to use art and culture and thus provide a permanent place where all cultural (and social) providers can find a home.

See here the culture card of Voorschoten with all parties