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Cycling around castles - Duivenvoorde Castle 33 km

This cycle route takes you past the castles and country estates of South Wassenaar, Voorschoten and Voorburg.

Leisurely and safe sightseeing. The area around The Hague and Wassenaar, close to the sea, has always been a much-desired place to build manors and country estates. Many of them still exist today. The route takes you along three unique museums: Duivenvoorde Castle, the Voorlinden Museum and Huygens’ Hofwijk.
You will also pass by royal estate De Eikenhorst, the private residence of King Willem-Alexander, Queen Máxima and their daughters Catharina-Amalia, Alexia and Ariane. The route follows so-called cycle landmarks (“fietsknooppunten” in Dutch), a system of circles with numbers in them, which cover the whole of the Netherlands and are very popular. They can be combined in any way you want, creating a longer or a shorter route. Just follow the numbers ion the right order: it’s a piece of cake! This cycle route takes approx. 2.5 hours (33 km), and is easily combine with a stop for lunch or a visit to one of the castle museums on the way.
The castle route ends where it begins, at Duivenvoorde Castle. Leave your car in the parking lot here: safe and easy. The brand new visitors’ pavilion Hof van Duivenvoorde is a great place to stop for coffee or lunch.

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