VoorschotenLoop 2025
The VoorschotenLoop on Sunday 23 March 2025 promises to be another great running event this year. Registration is open. All of Voorschoten is getting moving.
Running party VoorschotenLoop on 23 March 2025
The VoorschotenLoop on Sunday 23 March 2025 promises to be a beautiful running fest again this year. This means participants can once again choose between the GeZZinsloop (1.25 kilometres), 5 kilometres, 10 kilometres and 10 English Mile. Registration is open. The whole of Voorschoten is getting moving.
Runners can register online at www.voorschotenloop.nl until Saturday 21 March 2025 or up to half an hour before the start at the Voorschoten'97 canteen. The costs are 10 euros for the 5 kilometres, 12 euros for the 10 kilometres and 14 euros for the 10 English Mile. The GeZZinsloop (2 start times) is free so that all youth have a chance to participate. As an association, we like to help get more youth to exercise.
A group of beginners and advanced runners from Voorschoten'97 is training for this race. The beginners joined the running course on 1 December 2024. They will experience their ‘moment of fame’ on Sunday 23 March.
GeZZinsloop - free for youth
The GeZZinsloop traditionally kicks off the fun event. Children aged 6 years to 9 years are first up at 10.15 am with the Zorg en Zekerheid Circuit starting shot, followed by youth aged 10 to 12 years at 10.35 am. Participation is free and pre-registration is not required. Children can pick up their starting number on Saturday 23 March between 9am and 11am or on Sunday 24 March between 9.30am and 10am at the Voorschoten'97 canteen. Dads, mums, grandpas and grandmas can also run for free. A nice medal and a delicious portion of popcorn await at the finish. On the honouring square, Blaaskapel Redelijk Onverantwoord will provide a nice welcome.
The 10 kilometres and 10 English Mile will start at 11.00 am. Participants of the 5 kilometres (start 11.15 am) will leave last. Moreover, as a finisher, you will receive flower seeds as a gift. There will be a selfie wall, where you can take your own photo to share on your social media.
Champion of Voorschoten
As in previous years, Voorschoten participants compete for the title ‘Champion of Voorschoten’. The fastest man and woman from the village at each distance will be put in the limelight afterwards. In addition, there are three prizes for the first finishers for each distance, in both men's and women's events.
For more information and registration, visit www.voorschotenloop.nl. Pre-registration is possible until 21 March 2025. The VoorschotenLoop on Sunday 23 March promises to be another great running event this year. Join this running party and register.
0 - 14 euro