De Voorschotense Paardendagen
Make a note of the last weekend of July 2025 in your diary, because on 25, 26 and 27 July, the centre of Voorschoten will again be all about horses, traditions and festive activities.
The Voorschoten Horse Days 2025: A Weekend Full of Tradition and Conviviality
On Friday evening, the catering establishments on the Voorstraat kick off the weekend with music and conviviality, including the atmospheric Paardennach in the Wapen van Voorschoten.
Saturday morning 26 July starts early with the traditional Horse Market on the Voorstraat. From 06:00, horses and ponies are brought to the market, where they are judged and led to their stalls. At the same time, you can enjoy a large annual market on Schoolstraat, Treubstraat and Treubplein. Fun activities have been organised for children in Berkhout Park.
In the afternoon, the spectacular Kortebaandraverij takes place on the Van Beethovenlaan, where horses trot against each other on a marked track. In the evening, the catering establishments on the Voorstraat will provide music and performances to bring the day to a festive close.
Sunday 27 July offers something for everyone. For younger horse lovers, there is hobby horsing and then the ring stabbing on the Voorstraat. For the senior citizens, there is the traditional senior afternoon on the terrace of the Ambachts- en Baljuwhuis, a cosy tradition that always guarantees a great end to the weekend.
And it will again be enjoying five days of funfair, from Wednesday to Sunday.
If the weather cooperates, this will be another fantastic weekend for young and old alike.
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The website contains a lot of information, only the full programme for 2025 is not yet known.