
Concert Daria van den Bercken, piano & Ludwig

01-11-2024 01-11-2024

Daria van den Bercken, is winner of the Dutch Classical Talent Award. Ludwig is an adventurous company of top musicians. The programme includes Brandenburg Concert No 5 by Bach!

We conclude with a special collaboration between Daria van den Bercken, winner of the Dutch Classical Talent Award and the Amsterdam Art Prize, and Ludwig, an adventurous ensemble of top musicians. The programme features the fifth Brandenburg concerto where Bach took the harpsichord out of its familiar accompanying role, gave the instrument a long virtuoso cadenza for the first time in history and thus paved the way for the solo piano concerto as we know it today!

Daria van den Bercken piano

Nadia Wijzenbeek solo violin
Floor LeCoultre violin
Hannah Strijbos viola
Charles Watt cello
Wilmar de Visser double bass
Inês Pires Pinto flute

Haydn Piano Sonata no. 32
Prokofiev Parts from Romeo and Juliet for viola and piano
Mozart Concerto for piano and orchestra in arrangement for string quintet and piano (Lachner)
J.S. Bach Brandenburg Concerto No. 5
Prokofiev Symphony No. 1 (arrangement Max Knigge)

Daria van den Bercken plays on a Chris Maene right-handed grand piano


€30,50; jongeren tot 25 jaar €8,50; inclusief pauzedrankje en €1 ticketkosten